using a string in a command line

Hi folks.

Quick question:

I have this script in a CALC block. I have two identical productions lines, with the same equipement name, except for the line number: 2211 and 2212.

Now, I have the operator select which line he's configuring.

Here's the sigle line example:

   '//2211-YV03/DC1/SP_D.CV' := 1; 
   '//2211-YV04/DC1/SP_D.CV' := 1;
   '//2211-YV06/DC1/SP_D.CV' := 1;

I would like to modify it for something like that:

if LINE_SEL = 1 then
 LINE := "2211";
 LINE := "2212";

   '//LINE-YV03/DC1/SP_D.CV' := 1; 
   '//LINE-YV04/DC1/SP_D.CV' := 1;
   '//LINE-YV06/DC1/SP_D.CV' := 1;

OF course, this doesn't work, as well as the two dozen other possibilities I've tried.

Any idea how to achieve this? Rather new to DeltaV, going to my training next week.



  • In reply to Steve Elves:

     You might also want to look at creating an SFC or State Driven module instead of burying all of this in a calc block with dynamic referencing.Either case will be much easier to troubleshoot in the future.  (Especially if you need to do this for 70 pieces of equipment for each line.)