
Is it possible to password protect a faceplate.

2 Replies

  • Protect the opening of a faceplate, or the actions from within the faceplate?
    From: GaryH [mailto:bounce-GaryH@community.emerson.com]
    Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 12:22 PM
    To: DeltaV@community.emerson.com
    Subject: [EE365 DeltaV Track] Faceplates

    Is it possible to password protect a faceplate.

  • In reply to AdrianOffield:

    Hi Gary

    Yes, you can imagine a passworded locked faceplate :

    - Open a traditional faceplate according the module type and save it with a new name

    - Select all graphical objects on the form and change the Layout owner, ie #2

    - By using the "Set layer" icon, select the #1 : No object may appears --> Add a TextBox (Datalink with inplace on) + and Ok button, associate then to the layer #1

    - In the Ok button script, modify the DisplayLayer to 2 if the entered password is correct

    Don't forget to set the DisplayLayer to 1 in the "CFixPicture_Initialize"

    Remember that DisplayLayer is a bit combinaison.

    For layers 1 and 2, no difficulties, but the next one is not 3, but 4 (3 is layers 1 and 2 visible).

    0 means all visible.

    Of course, it's not very secure, but its a way to proceed easily

    Regards - Jack