I am trying to get a 3rd party device to read DeltaV data. I have licensed and activated the server on the App Station. I can't get anything to want to read it. My goal is to have KepServerEX on another machine read data, but I am willing to start local. I can't get an OPC client on the ProPlus to be able to browse the server (I have a 1000 tag license). Or, at least, I don't see any results when I try to browse. I don't know if I'm addressing the server correctly from the client. The instructions I can find say to copy what I can see in DeltaV Explorer (opc.tcp...), but nothing. Almost every instruction I can find online just tells me that it's simple and works without much configuration. I can't find "OPC for Dummies." Everyone just assumes the user knows a lot (things like "Just type in the node path." - suppose I don't know what that looks like!). I need this dumbed way down.
When I go to the App Station and run OPCWATCHIT, I don't see what I think is the OPC-UA server. I see the historian (OPC DA) and a few other things I would expect, but no name that matches what it shows me in Explorer. Diagnostics tells me that the server is running, but I don't see it in OPCWATCHIT. That makes me think I haven't really set it up correctly, but I don't know because I don't know what "right" looks like.
Thank you.
- Bryce H. Elliott, P.E.
Andre Dicaire
In reply to Andre Dicaire:
In reply to Douglas Crowder:
In reply to Bryce Elliott:
Hi Bryce, were you able to also browse Alarms and events data via OPC UA? I am curious to know how does the structure look like when browsing using OPC UA client like UAExpert. Does it show Alarms and Events folder within the tree structure?