DeltaV server password is "too short"

I updated my account policy settings for password and have a minimum of 3 characters. I'm using ServPwd to change the server password and thus the DeltaVAdmin password and it is telling me that it is too short. It must be 8 characters. Well, I've had this problem in the past and I don't recall how it was ever resolved.


  • Per KBA AK-1700-0079 / DeltaV v14.3 Release Notes: "Starting DeltaV v14.3, SERVPWD application does not accept passwords shorter than 8 (eight) characters for the DeltaVAdmin service account. Cybersecurity benchmarks recommend a minimum of 12 (twelve) characters for any Windows related account, and therefore for DeltaV v14.3 and higher it is required that the DeltaVAdmin service account’s password is set with a minimum of 8 (eight) characters independent of what is configured in the Windows security policies for minimum password length."