Recent stroke testing of a Fisher control valve fitted with Fisher DVC6200 ODV positioner, We were trying to do a performance tune, since the valve response needed some improvement.
Using a Trex communicator, we couldnt find either performance tune or statbilise/optimise routines in the Trex menu, either in the Trex ValveLink software or in the HART link. The lead/lag settings had not been activated (settings of 0). Is there a setting that makes the stabilise/optimise routine unavailable?
Using the same Trex communicator on other valves fitted with DVC6200 and HC level software, the stabilise/optimise routine was available and we were able to carry out that routine without issue. This would indicate that it is not an issue with the Trex, but with the ODV positioners.
Assistance on how we can bring up the performance tune option would be appreciated.
Jeff Richards
In reply to Stanley Amirthasamy: