Is there any new replacement technology as an alternative of Daniel orifice fitting?
Process specification:
Process: Sour Gas
Range: 4200 – 47000 m2/h
Pressure: 20 bar
Temp.: 70
Khadra Helminski
In reply to Khadra Helminski:
In reply to MOH:
In reply to ShelbyTraverso:
Hi Mohsenv,
As Khadra mentioned, a Coriolis meter may be a good choice for this application. Preliminary sizing shows that a CMF350 should work for the application. This is one of our Elite Coriolis mass flow meters. Here is a link to the web page that will give you more information about the Elite meters: http://www2.emersonprocess.com/en-US/brands/micromotion/coriolis-flow-density-meters/ELITE/Pages/index.aspx. Prior to purchasing a meter, I would highly recommend that you discuss the specifics with one of our specialists. You can send an e-mail to flow.support@emerson.com for assistance or contact your local sales representative. The Coriolis meter will have extremely low maintenance requirements and can achieve accuracies for mass flow measurement of gas of up to +/-0.35%. Based on your conditions (assuming the flow rates you showed were standard m3/hr), the CMF350 will measure better than +/-0.5% accuracy even at the low end of your flow range and +/-0.35% as you get to the higher flow rates.
Shelby also made a good point about the Conditioning Orifice Plate meter. It can be close coupled eliminating a lot of the maintenance associated with traditional orifice plate installations with long impulse lines. It may be worth considering as well. It can achieve flow accuracy of up to +/-0.5%.
Best Regards, Tonya Wyatt
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