More Accurate Marine Loading/Unloading Measurement

Refering to Jim Cahills blog and the link.


We started up a new harbour pumping storage facility. The Facility have one truck loading/unloading station and Tank to Ship station.

The Truck loading/unloading have a CMF300 tube and 2700A transmitter.

The tank to Ship mesurements consists of a Micro Motion CMFHC3 and a 2700A transmitter.

For BATCH managament/data collection/printing and communication to other system we use a FloBoss S600+ flowcomputer.

The transmitters are connected trough Modbus to the Flo-computer.

All are MID/NMI/custody transfer approved and have been cerftified by the authorities.

On monday they pumped the first batch of organic oil to the ship 700 ton, the ship was equipped with their own measuring device.

The difference between Emerson and the ships system was 0,0427 %  , they told me the ships crew were astonished how accurate the Emerson system was.

The difference could also be caused by the ships own metering system because our side was calibrated just a few days earlier.

I would think that the ships owners or product customers are saticfied with such a small difference.

Niklas Flykt 

Klinkmann Oy

Key Account Manager safety products