Dynamic Reference to an alarm enable


I am trying to build dynamic references within an EM to a CM on another controller. Setting up the PV, alarm limit etc are all fine but I am having trouble setting up a dynamic reference to the alarm enable parameter. 

Normally if I was using aliases then it would just be //#MODULE#/HI_HI_ALM.ENAB'  so to build a dynamic using the alias that would just be '^/DYNAMIC_PARAMETER.$REF' := "//#MODULE#/HI_HI_ALM.ENAB"; however using this I am not able to enable/disable through the dynamic. Is there another way I should be building my dynamic?

2 Replies

  • Dynamic references only go to the parameter level. In your logic after setting up the dynamic reference (Confirming DYN_REF.CST = 0 before proceeding to read/write) you would just use DYN_REF.ENAB (Or .PRI, .OPSUP, etc) for the logic to read/write these fields.
  • In reply to Matt Stoner:

    Thanks! Thats much simpler than I was trying to make it out