DeltaV Graphics - Using Alarm Priorities per AI block, not as whole module

I have control modules with HART AI blocks for wireless vibration transmitters, PV/SV/TV/FV.

The issue is the vibrations transmitters are on different pieces of equipment, but 4 of them share a module, and there is over 30 modules like this.

So when a high vibration alarm comes in for one piece of equipment, all 4 graphical objects go into alarm together.

Currently the red coloured outline is set by DVSYS.VIT-02000/ALARMS[1].F_PRI and what I was wanting to do was something like:





I was hoping this would set the graphical alarm colour per AI block, not the entire module. But that doesn't work, and I can't see anything similar in the Books Online.

1 Reply

  • Hi Brodie,
    The best answer is to create 4 control modules, one for each piece of equipment, that was the description of the control module will accurately identify the equipment in alarm. Also, the faceplate will show the correct piece of equipment.
    Otherwise, you could create 4 separate alarms in each control module triggered by the 4 different readings. It sounds like you have a good start since you have 4 different AI modules. The downside is that the Alarm description will not tell you exactly which of the four it is but you can edit your displayed equipment to alarm on the appropriate alarm event.

    Sal Salamone