Duplicate Monitor setup not available in Control Panel

My operators have asked me to setup a second display in their break room so that they can see the DeltaV graphic there.  So I figured no problem, I will just add a second monitor and go to the display setup and "duplicate display".  To my amazement, for some reason it only allows me to "Extend Display".   I have never run into this problem on a PC before.  It is running Windows 7 OS.  Is this something that Emerson does to the operating system to disallow this?  Anyone have any ideas how to get this feature to work?

2 Replies

  • The DeltaV software does detect the number of physical monitors in order to manage dual and quad layouts and such. I've never tried to duplicate a screen on an Operator station so I've not run across this. Since you are driving the same display, you might want to do this externally so that you don't end up with a unique situation in the PC that leads to unexpected behaviors, something that is "unsupported".

    Andre Dicaire

  • I sorted this issue out. My workstation has two video cards and i had the second monitor connected to the other card. When I moved it to the same card, duplicate function became available.