Standard way to show SFC steps.

Hi all,

I'm new to DeltaV so this may be a non-issue. I'm looking for a way to display SFC execution to the operators, actions, transitions, and the such.

Is there a pre-made graphic for the PCSD library or any other facepate to help with this?


5 Replies

  • Hi,
    I am not sure if there is not a pre-made graphichowever I offer some ideas:

    1.       Control Studio On-line licenseè it will enable to the operator to see the SFC running directly in the control studio through the workstation where the license is assigned.however you should review the keys assigned to the operator due eventually the operator will be able i.e. to force a transition

    2.       Other Option that is common and usual is to show dynamic messages while the SFC is running + a step index, this is used for SFC, Phases/Unit modules

    3.       Other option Is to do all the animation/dynamos by your ownthat is possible since you have all the info accessible from DV operate, however it will require a lot of effort especially if the sequence is complex and you will need a kind of scrolling screen script

    Att Luis Navas
  • What i've usually done is create a parameter as a String within the SFC. When steps are executed I write to that parameter letting operator know such things as Step or Status of the current step being executed. These are easily referenced for graphics with the only limit of information is your imagination.

    Best Wishes,

  • Roman, I do it the exact same way it was taught in course 7009. In each step of your SFC you have an action statement to set the message to reference a named set and statement. You create a Named Set to house the messages you want to display, and then you reference a parameter on the graphic to the message instruction in the SFC. If you have the course manual for 7009 class, check out section 8. Hope that helps.
  • In addition to the suggestions already submitted, in v13 there were some dynamos released for SFCs and Phases that would show indication of the Active Steps and Active Transitions. You can find these two dynamos in the frsSFCandPhases dynamo set.

    Here is snippet views of configuration running online and what the dynamo would look like (This is using Phase version).

    I would recommend the String Parameter suggestion by Luis and Billy as this parameter could be updated by the logic and be dynamic with Tags and/or real process data when required.

  • In reply to Matt Stoner:

    Taking Matt and Luis (option 3)a bit further.

    (This is quite an advanced solution, but something now possible with the addition of the SFC active steps and active trans parameters.)

    Using the active steps and active trans paramters (which are comna separated strings because an SFC can have more than one active step and transition at once)

    You first create some clever deltav operate edit mode auto generating ifix graphic script that reads in the SFC fhx export file (probably after conversion to xml). The fhx contains step x,y coordinates and step/transition connectiion details. Animate the step boxes and transition crosses added to the graphic in green when their name appears in the active steps and active trans paraneters at run time.

    If I had a spare day I’d do this. Sadly quite busy on projects at the moment.

    If soneone tries this, I’m sure the community would love it.

    I do similar for auto generating SFC documents in Visio using the msxml60 object. So a VBA / ifix scripting wizard could do this fairly quickly