I saw this questions asked previously but no solutions worked for us. When we run DeltaV Operate, it freezes at 12% with "Error Number: 0 (00000000) A compile error was detected in a script that was about to run. The script will not be started." I went and turned off "Disable VBE access" in Environment variables and I now get the error "Compile error in hidden module: FRSI_glb" followed by "Object Variable or With block variable not set". When I try to compile the startup graphic or the user global I get the error "Compile error in hidden module: FRSI_Function". Is there a way to fix these issues? Currently, I can delete the Pic folder and replace it with the backup and it will run but if I turn DeltaV off the error returns.
This error is related to copy paste of global files from one machine to another. Suggested to take back up of existing , then delete pic folder and copy fresh PIC folder(probably from c drive). and copy only project specific files from backup to the system. (Not entire pic folder from backup) Regards Bhushan
In reply to Mantri_Bhushan: