Error Number: 570425404 (2200003c)

I have inherited responsibility for an old DeltaV Ver 11 system. It has been successfully updated to 13.3.1. However, I am getting the above error message upon first opening our "Services" graphic page (see graphic below).

Can any one point me in the right direction to debug this?

BTW, I am getting about half a dozen of these messages with differing parameters being show as not configured.

John Michael "Mike" McNamara, P.E.

Sr. Process & Controls Engineer

Cell: 760-925-7687

  • Hi Mike,
    We want to check first if the module does exists and/or if it is properly configured.

    · Does the parameter from the screenshot you’ve sent show any value when it is accessed from Watchit/ Control Studio On-Line/ Diagnostics? If yes, what is the value?
    · Are there any Blue Triangles in DeltaV Explorer regarding that module and/or Controller it is assigned to?.
    · How many parameters pops up this message?