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Intermittent communication problems EIOC talking to Rockwell E3 plus OL via 2100-enet adapter

When I posted this Q a year back, I didnt have any information about the network or devices. I have since implemented the config and tested. EIOC can turn on and turn off motors/ reset fault trips /read status signals etc but devices do not stay online for very long before communication drops out. it drops out for about 20 s and comes back, and happens throughout the day. the e3 frequently have to be reset before the motor can be started again.  

On the configuration of the LDT for this device - I set up input/output assemblies recommended for the e3plus - Input Assembly of 100 and Output assembly of 105. The IO sizes have been set to match whats provided in rockwells publication (12 byte in and 2 byte out). Although the output assembly byte size is to be set to 2 bytes,  DV cannot write to a output signal sized for a 16 bit word. I can write to the first 8 bits only. If a second output signal for the next 8 bits is set up, an output transfer error is generated at the module end and diagnostics displays "logical device problem". 

Speaking with rockwells support it looks like although the 2100-enet have an output table sized for 2 bytes, the e3 plus uses only the first 8 bits. i have alternately tried to downsize the output assembly since i use just 1 byte. DV does not like this at all. i can no longer turn on/off devices. 

I had a similar issue with intermittent comms with EIOC talking to a 20comm-e adapter and SMC flex 150 drive. once i implemented read/write for the exact IO size and signals the devices managed to stay online since.

has anyone run into this issue before? hoping there has been comms set up to these devices via VIM in the past if not the EIOC.

thanks in advance,
