Writing to a Checkbox in DeltaV Operate


We have a graphic that allows the operator to click on a check-box to enable or disable all the alarms that are in a unit module. 

I was wondering how I can write to this check-box from a control studio module. I want to use this to disable alarms on equipment that isn't in service, and re-enable it when the equipment is re-enabled.

  • You cannot animate the value of the Microsoft Forms Check Box OLE object, but you can copy a checkbox object from a faceplate or detail display and customize.  Look at AI_dt.grf as an example and the Sim Enable checkbox.  You would customize the _Click events for rctCBOff and grpCBOn, and the visibility animations for the same.  Alternatively, You could create two overlapping push button objects and use visibility to determine which button and its underlying code are available to the operator.

    Thanks to Matt Stoner for the suggestion of using the checkbox object from the faceplate and detail displays.

  • I'm not sure what code you are using to enable or disable all the alarms, but if this was coded in a logic module and the checkbox was linked to the boolean parameter that drove the code to enable or disable, then you can easily change the value of that parameter in a logic module and the checkbox would reflect whatever state it was set to.
    I've used this on many occasions to get the operator to click on a checkbox to confirm a valve lineup has been performed and reset it to false in the logic once the sequence had completed and it was back at the start point where the operator needed to click on confirm again.