How to browse THISUSER parameters

im using DeltaV 11.3.1 and have a command button on a graphic which i only want visible when a user is logged in who has 'user lock 01' privileges or are part of a user group.

im unable to find out how to browse to all the workstation parameters associated with THISUSER. Any help please?



1 Reply

  • You can type the parameter path into the Animations/Visibility Expert dialog rather than browsing for it. If your lock is named "user_lock_01" and the area of concern is named "AREA_A" you can set a visibility discriminator by typing the following into the data source field:


    Then set the Condition and the Condition value as desired. The data source defined above will return a "1" if the user logged in has the key for the lock in the area and a "0" if not.

    The DeltaV Display Parameters help file is a good resource to consult for more information. There is a section specific to THISUSER Workstation Parameters.