IO Usage Report

Hi DV Guru's,

Is there an easy way to generate a simple controller IO channel usage report? ie what channels are used and how many are spare etc? or is it a case of creating an .fmt export file and then doing some excel wizadry?


3 Replies

  • Hi,

    you can always goto explorer on the controller/ IO and right click configure IO:s and you will get a complete list of all of the IO cards and channels...

    Niklas Flykt 

    Klinkmann Oy

    Key Account Manager safety products

  • In reply to Niklas Flykt:

    Yes I could do this and then manually count the spares but for 16 controllers it’s a bit of a fiddly process, is was hoping there may be a more automated way.

  • In reply to DVUser007:

    Not sure of a great way, but the way I've used is via bulk export with traditional I/O.

    1.  File...Export...User Defined in DVExplorer

    2.  Search Results

    3.  In Find, search by "Channel", and select all of them (NOTE: Don't select Charm I/O)

    4.  For Format Specification, select "Channel.fmt"

    5.  Determine where you want to save the txt file, and run the export.

    You can bring in the export into excel and tell the signal tags, which channels are enabled, etc.

    That works usually with traditional I/O.  If you have CHARMS, other buses, etc, same principle, but different format files and selections in the search options.