Initiating Process History View

Hello All,

I am trying to determine how to initiate the process history view for a control module. When I open the faceplate for the particular module there is an icon on the lower right corner called 'Process History View'. When this icon is selected, the view opens on with the graph and all  the correct information being tracked, but the history starts from the time the view is opened - there is no history prior to that time stamp.

Would anyone know where I have gone wrong with setting up the process history view?


13 Replies

  • Have you assigned the parameters in the module for historization and down loaded the historian subsystem?

    In process history view what is your default historian set for? It usually defaults to the local host, but it would need to be configured on a per windows user basis for the actual historian. Additionally, your chart  File may be configured to point to a specific server like localhost. 



    Youssef El-Bahtimy | Systems Integration Technologist
    PROCONEX | 103 Enterprise Drive | Royersford, PA 19468 USA
    Proconex Office: 610 495 2970 | Cell: 267 275 7513


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  • In reply to Youssef.El-Bahtimy:

    Hello Youssef,

    Thank you for your response.

    Our DeltaV system was built for the company by external contractors roughly 4 years ago.

    We had just finished working on a module when we noticed that PHV did not populate. From DeltaV Explorer we selected the module in question, opened 'History Collection' and selected the 3 parameters that we wished to track in PHV.

    Unfortunately my experience with DeltaV is very limited, so I do not know how to/where to find the historian subsystem or determine what the default historian is set to ... sorry, new at this.


  • In deltav explorer, select the node from physical network/control network you have enabled as a continuous historian. Select continuous histoRian under the node. Ensure the areas you wish to historize modules from are assigned to the historian. If not, right click the continuous historian, select assign areas, and select the area.  Right click again and select to down load the continuous historian.

    If that doesn't work,  we'll go further.

  • In reply to Youssef.El-Bahtimy:

    We followed your instructions (thank you) and found that the area in question is already assigned to the continuous historian.

  • In reply to cwicz77:

    Ok, I assume you've downloaded the continuous historian then.

    In Process History view with the specific chart opened, click Chart-->Options or right click on the chart and select Configure Chart.

    In the dialog, observe the value of the Historical Data Server field.  If it says 'defaulthost', we have to determine what your default host is.   If it has another server name, verify the server listed is indeed a continuous historian to which the module's area is assigned.  Once you confirm the right server is configured, you'll need to save the chart file for future use. 

    If defaulthost, then close the dialog and click File-->Set Default Data Servers.  

    In the dialog, select the Continuous Historian tab and observe the value of Historical Data server.  If it is not the intended continuous historian, then change it to the right server  and ensure the 'Save as my application startup data server' is clicked to assign the server for the operating system user's profile.  Click OK to save.

    If that is all good, then click Chart-->Data Collection Status.  In this dialog you'll see History Collection Status and the number of points collected for each trend.   If it is not good, then we'll have to go further (and you may need to initiate a call with the Global Service Center).

  • In reply to Youssef.El-Bahtimy:

    Hi Youssef,

    So we double-checked everything against your email and found the only discrepancy was on the last point that you made.

    On the Data Collection Status screen it was blank in the 'Most Recent Historical Data Request Status' - this is where we see the notation of 'GOOD' on other modules that have a working PHV.

    The 'Most Recent Periodic Data Request Status' showed 'the operation completed successfully' and there were values in the 'Number of Points' field.

  • In reply to cwicz77:

    In DeltaV Explorer, right click on the node/continuous historian and select History Collection.   The dialog  will return all collected points for that historian.  Make sure the exact module/parameter.field paths in the PHV chart are listed there.  

    Next, look at the file BadScanItems.log in the DVData drive of the historian.  Verify the tag is not listed in the bad scan item log.

    Finally, look at the DVData\download\PHIST.scr file on the historian, verifying the tag is listed in this file.  (Copy the file to another directory, rename it with a .txt extension and open in notepad).

    You shouldn't have to download the module itself since having enabled history collection on it, but that might be the last resort.  

    If you can post screen captures of your situation, that would be helpful.

  • In reply to Youssef.El-Bahtimy:

    Any update?  Did you solve the problem?

  • In reply to Youssef.El-Bahtimy:

    This sounds like quite a common problem we come across.

    If you've tried what Youssef suggests and confirmed the continuous historian is functional and the parameters of he module are set for history collection at the module instance and it's downloaded. Then .......

    Assuming you have a PID module you may well find that the history collection for the module is expecting to capture the PID1//SP PID1/PV etc parameters . The PHVE  file  may be looking for some module level internal reference parameters. Such as SP or PV, which internally reference those parameters from the PID1 function block. Same applies to DC and all other module types.

    To the PHV application these are not the same parameters, although at run time they quite obviously are. The history is related to explicit parameter names as given in the modules history collection. If the parameter in the phve file is not the exact parameter in the history collection for the module, you'll get real time data for the parameter but not the history. Which appears to be where you are.

    To prove the theory. As a test open a custom chart and add both parameters to the chart, one of those will probably have history the other won't. If you find this to be the case, this is your problem.

    Your easiest solution on a live plant would likely be to alter all of your module_fp.phve file to refer to the parameters that are actually in the history collection.

    The chart builder application can give a problem similar to this where it adds the function block level parameter to custom phve file but the parameter in the history collection is the module level parameter.

  • In reply to IntuitiveNeil:

    Sorry for the delay, but I am travelling for days off. I will send the screen shot of where we are in the process when I return to site next week.

    Cheers and thanks!!

  • In reply to cwicz77:

    The original poster did not let us know whether his problem has been solved or not.

    As I'm having the same problem, I would like to ask some more questions.

    1. Do I have to download just the setup data of the Historian Server after adding a chart or the total Historian Server node?

    2. And will downloading the Historian Server node stops the history collection?

    Thanks for your feedbacks.

  • In reply to Rein:

    1. You would need to download the continuous historian portion of it on the App Station node.
    2. No
  • In reply to Youssef.El-Bahtimy:

    We are having issue related to continuous Historian

    Tag found in Bad scan items log....and also it is in PHIST.SCR...i have added in history collection downloaded the app and dvnist but still m getting the real time data not the history and for testing purpose i have made few custom modules and added in history collection all are going in badscanitem.log

    for more analysis i have added both and but still not able to solve the issue

    few things i should add here

    App Continuous Historian showing bad at overall integrity where as old tags are making history and showing as well

    DVNIST Continuous Historian also showing bad at overall integrity

    If the parameter in the phve file is not the exact parameter in the history collection for the module, you'll get real time data for the parameter but not the history. this i already checked and its same