I just made both my dual monitor workstations quad monitor workstations. This is on a 9.3 system. Im loading the exact same screens at start up on both stations.. One works great and one I get the following error. Im looking for any suggestion. Thanks
First thing to check is that your screen layout is correct. See Books online:
//Operator Basics and Graphic Configuration/What's the Difference Between Operator Keyboard and DeltaV Operate on Multiple Monitors?/Installing and Configuring the Hardware/Monitor Arrangements
The monitor at top left must be monitor number 1 (as windows reconizes it)
Second thing I would check would be your display cards versions.
In reply to Chris:
This issue has been fixed in WS10 hotfix. Not sure what version you are currently on but uninstalling the current hotfix and the reinstalling to at least WS10 will clear up your issue.