Parse Error

Well this is a new one.

4 Replies

  • Personally, I like this answer as it has a sense of humor in it. Made me laugh. Thanks for sharing.

    Andre Dicaire

  • This happens when you have too much code in a CALC or ACTION block. Just split it up into multiple blocks. I usually run into this when making simulation code.
  • In reply to Douglas Crowder:

    I like to position the CALC and Action blocks as tools that accomplish a very specific function within the module. These are not designed to be extensive "programs". The structured text can be challenging to trouble shoot. So approaching the problem with smaller chunks of logic helps make the control module easier to understand and maintain. That's a bit different than what Douglas suggests, where you've created a large expression and now have to break it up. But the result is the same. Smaller chunks of code result in easier troubleshooting. Since I approach it with smaller chunks, I've never run into this error.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:


    Is it not better to have fewer blocks, since too many blocks increase the scan rate and also heard that the CALC block takes more memory so better to use the Action block instead of the CALC block..
    Just to know if my understanding is correct or not?
