How to open a picture just in one station when an event ocurrs?

Hi everyone. I'm trying to create a message to aid the operators in my plant to know what to do when an specific event ocurrs. Say that this event is represented by the .cv field of a parameter in a control module (for example, when the value is zero). I created a picture with the help text and I intend to open it whenever the zero value in the hypothetical parameter is reached.

I know that this can be solved by creating an event based schedule, but I have two questions:

1.  How should the script be written if I wanted to open the help picture just in one of the operator stations and if the schedule is to be written in the pro-plus? (Right now I'm thinking in writting the schedule just in the desired station, not the pro-plus, but I still have the curiosity)

2.  Is there another way to solve this problem?

Thanks a lot for your help!


5 Replies

  • Hi,

    Create a string parameter in the module, with value as "<Operator Station Name>".

    Check this parameter in schedule & compare with the machine name in picturepath.

    If match, then execute the further code in schedule.

    Another way is to generate a specific alarm, when the parameter is zero, to be shown on specific station. The faceplate for this module would be the help graphic, as you have already created. As operator clicks the alarm on banner, he will get the help & the acknowledge button.

    I think an alarm is much better solution to get operator attention, then to open an pop-up automatically.

    Also, without operator interaction, it will be dificult to remove this popup, if not seen on that specific station by operator for long time.

    We also have inbuilt configurable utility for this called "Alarm Help". Do you have it installed on site? It might be worth to buy this license, than to spend time on engineering the scheduler.

  • In reply to amodbobade:

    Thank you.

    I'm sorry, I'm not sure of understanding the string parameter part. You're telling me to create a string parameter with the same name as the station in which I want to show the picture....but then I missed the part of checking it against picture path....

  • In reply to SMAQLL:


    In the VBA script, "system.Picturepath" returns the path of PIC directory, as defined in the SCU file. It includes the machine name. In the scheduler VBA code, if you can compare this machine name string with the string parameter in the module, then you can define to execute the code on that specific machne only using simple IF-THEN loop.

    So, even if the schedule is configured on proplus & will run on all machines, the specific code to open pop-up will only execute on the specific machine.

  • In reply to amodbobade:

    Alternatively, to get workstation name directly you can use


    If using remote clients, you will likely have to dig down and differentiate by terminal client, which can be done using environ("CLIENTNAME").

  • In reply to Youssef.El-Bahtimy:

    I just wanted to say thank you guys. Your advise were really helpful.