Trouble exporting data from Delta V to Excel

Hi I am a student working on a project and would be grateful for any advice . Using an action block and counter  I have sampled 10 values for flow rate across the range of a control valve in 10% increments . The values for flow rate and % stem position are written to internal write parameters. I would like to export the data to excel where i could plot a graph of valve stem position vs flow rate. The Excel add on is installed. Thanks

  • One option is to use OPC running from some VBA code in Excel. You can use this Siemens example as a basis but use OPC Automation 2.0 as the reference and the name of the DeltaV server is "OPC.DeltaV.1". Use the DeltaV tool C:\DeltaV\bin\opcwatchit.exe to check what you can read from OPC.

  • In reply to RobPerry:

    You could just add the fields in Excel using the add tool on (10*2 fields). Configure the update cycle to e.g. 10 seconds. Write/read the values to/from some cells and create the chart.

    Niklas Flykt 

    Klinkmann Oy

    Key Account Manager safety products