Pin Internet Explorer browser in DeltaV Window.


I am currently working on integrating a webpage onto DeltaV Live Graphics. Since the Webpage I am trying to access is not an HTML5 iframe based, I have created a button on Graphics that opens Internet Explorer and can access the Webpage from there.

But every time the Operator click on DeltaV Live Graphics, Graphics takes over the Browser and is not always visible. I tried removing the screen layout from the Graphics Studio for the particular screen but did not helped.

So I was looking if there is any option to pin the Internet Explorer Browser on top(similar to view option in PHV).

Thanks in Advance!

1 Reply

  • Hello Nishit,

    Microsoft Edge doesn't offer a native way of changing this behavior. 

    If you are using v15.FP1 or newer, I would encourage you to configure the display to show web content. As explained in Books Online:

    Configuring a display to show web content
    When a display is configured to show web content, the display itself is the web browser. This method provides a versatile means for showing web content—you can use it to show permitted websites and to run web-based applications.

    To configure a display to show web content, simply enable the display's Show Web Content property (on the display’s Advanced tab) in Graphics Studio. You can also configure a means for navigating through the web browser history and for zooming in and out of the browser window.

    In Graphics Studio, displays configured to show web content share the same behaviors as other displays, with one exception: While Show Web Content is enabled, you cannot add display elements to the display.
    At runtime, displays configured to show web content also share the same behavior as other displays (for example, participating in display navigation and display sets), with these minor exceptions:

    • Operators see only the configured web content. That is, display elements and interactions or scripts configured on the display are not reflected at runtime.
    • The zoom functionality on these displays use different keyboard shortcuts than other displays. (Refer to the topic Working with displays in DeltaV Live for details.)

    Best regards,

    Camilo Fadul

    Camilo Fadul | DeltaV Solution Marketing Director