Bult Export Interlock Cause & Effect

Hi! I would like to improve our site Cause and Effect diagrams. Is there a method to bulk export interlock information (including the class and non class modules)? 

Information that I'd like to include is:

Cause Tag (i.e. high temp, low pressure etc..) (Condition description and expression)

Cause tag set point

Effect tag (i.e. tag of valve that closes / opens, etc.) (module name)


2 Replies

  • , there's isn't an specific fmt file for the CEM/LSCEM FB, you would have to customize that if you want to use the BulkEdit tool.

    That said, the FHX is basically a txt/xml like file, that you can manipulate it yourself to in order to generate configuration in bulk.

  • In reply to Tadeu Batista:

    Thanks! I will look into figuring out the FHX file option. I have only searched around the BulkEdit tool. I am new to DeltaV so lots of exploring :)