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How to read serially 64 bit float value in DeltaV?


I have 4 TechnipFMC Batch Controllers (Model Microload.net), where I have to read 64bit values over Modbus RS-485. Communication is established successfully I can read string data but unable to read 64 bit float data even not reading 32 bit Float values.

DeltaV configuration:

M Series Card: Serial Card 2. RS-485 Half Duplex, RTU, Master, Baud rate 9600, Parity None, Data bit 8 Stop bit 1, Slave ID 21. Dataset: direction input, data type Floating w/status, PLC Data type input register, address 30001, offset 3072, number of values 4.

Batch Controller: same above except it is slave device. Double Precision IEEE Floating point (4 Register each): 3072

I even tried getting Single Precision Floating points (2 register each) but no luck.

Please let me know what I'm missing here.

Note: DeltaV Version is 14.3

Let us build success,

Zohaib Jahan