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DeltaV Version 10 Server 2008

Hi All,

we have had a failure of our pro plus and i was wondering is DeltaV 10.3 Build 3327 supportable on Windows Server 2008, just to allow me to get going and give me some breathing room till i can upgrade my system?

Thanks in advance.

1 Reply

  • In theory, you can run for short periods with different versions. To be clear, that short period is supposed to be measured in hours or days, just long enough for you to complete a system-wide upgrade. So, you might be able to install 11.3.1 on your ProPlus on Server 2008 and run like that until you get everything else upgraded. I will note that what I'm suggesting is almost certainly not a supported condition by Emerson and that 10.3 and 11.3 aren't supported any longer regardless. It might be enough to let you limp along until you get what you need to get to V14 or V15. There may be unforeseen problems doing something like this, but if you're looking for ideas, that's mine.

    - Bryce H. Elliott, P.E.