Continuous Historian connection problem

Hello All,

After our application station crashed due to some errors on two hard drives, I managed to get it back by replacing one of the hard drives. the problem is that the continuous historian is not connecting to the DATA Historian server. I'm also not able to create new Active Data Set and even the storage area space is unknown.

I tried to reconfigure the application station but without success.

Any help please.   

3 Replies

  • Did you see if it needs to be downloaded? Else, your this deep in, you might as well just un-install and reinstall DeltaV. As long as you have your historian backups, would be alot faster then trying to troubleshoot.
  • In reply to Justin Burgess:

    Thanks Justin, Actually I managed to solve this problem today using the following procedure. Now the historian is back to normal.
  • In reply to Mahdi:

    "" Continuous Historian Not Running/Won't Start
    We have a small lab scale DeltaV install (one ProPlus and one Controller), and we had to rename the ProPlus due to IT rules (I know, its not good to rename one, but to get full access we had to). After goign through the reconfiguration, everything is fine exept the Continuous Historian won't run. Continuous Historian Admin tells us "The Continuous Historian Server is not avaliable. Please start the Continuous Historian Server and try again." None of the history data is at all important. I'd just like to remove/re-install the historian if that would get it working. Is there a written prodeduce I can follow for that?

    Continuous Historian Not
    25 Nov 2014 8:51 PM
    6 Replies
    Steven EstesSteven Estes
    25 Nov 2014 9:23 PM
    From BOL on how to re-register the CH database with the new workstation name:

    Open a DOS window and run the following command to register the new database:
    C:\ooinstallfd -nocheck -standalone -lockserverhost COMPUTERNAME X:\DeltaVHistory\DvCHdb.hdb

    (where COMPUTERNAME is the new name of the Continuous Historian workstation and X:\ is the drive where the DeltaVHistory folder exists). Then reboot the machine.
    Steven EstesSteven Estes
    25 Nov 2014 9:31 PM
    In reply to Steven Estes:

    Before performing that command however I believe you will need to rename the CH directory (D:\DeltaVHistory) to something else and paste the C:\DeltaV\fdbhist directory in as the new CH directory (D:\DeltaVHistory). You may need to stop the DeltaV services first to do this. Once youve recreated the CH directory doing this then you can run the command above and reboot the machine.
    25 Nov 2014 9:55 PM
    In reply to Steven Estes:

    Thank you very much! The second step was needed before it worked. One other detial incase some else has the same problem an sees this thread, in our system ooinstallfd is not in the root C:\ directory. It is in a named path though, so the c:\ is not needed at all. (It maybe should have shown C:\> )

    The command we used was then:
    Open a DOS window and run the following command to register the new database:
    ooinstallfd -nocheck -standalone -lockserverhost COMPUTERNAME X:\DeltaVHistory\DvCHdb.hdb

    (where COMPUTERNAME is the new name of the Continuous Historian workstation and X:\ is the drive where the DeltaVHistory folder exists).
    Rachelle McWrightRachelle McWright
    26 Nov 2014 2:50 PM
    In reply to

    Great work documenting the solution, gents. Thanks, Steven Estes!
    Best Regards,

    Rachelle McWright: Business Development Manager, Dynamic Simulation: U.S. Gulf Coast

    Michael MoodyMichael Moody
    26 Nov 2014 6:31 PM
    I'm very glad you were able to get the Historian running again. I haven't tried to rename a ProPlus in a number of years, but remember it being a very, very bad idea on version 7 (terrible idea on v6.3).

    I realize this is a small lab scale DeltaV, but I hope there is either a clear line of separation between IT responsibility and Non IT responsibility for any real production systems you have. Either that or hopefully anyone pushing IT rules down to a process control network fully understands the priorities and needs compared to typical IT installs. They are not the same. This concept has worked well in the companies I've been with. Draw a clear line of responsibility, but work together.
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    Rachelle McWrightRachelle McWright
    26 Nov 2014 7:04 PM
    In reply to Michael Moody:

    Good insight, Michael Moody.
    Best Regards,

    Rachelle McWright: Business Development Manager, Dynamic Simulation: U.S. Gulf Coast

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