  • Expert Advice for Alarm Management

    Many factors, both internal and external to a process, can contribute to alarms. Effective alarms are one of the most important elements of a safe plant. However, setting up an effective process alarm solution is a stumbling point for many teams. There are ways to create better alarm management, but they aren’t always intuitive. Fortunately, experts like Emerson’s Asad Malik and David Lee are ready to help, as they…
  • Expert Advice for Alarm Management

    Many factors, both internal and external to a process, can contribute to alarms. Effective alarms are one of the most important elements of a safe plant. However, setting up an effective process alarm solution is a stumbling point for many teams. There are ways to create better alarm management, but they aren’t always intuitive. Fortunately, experts like Emerson’s Asad Malik and David Lee are ready to help, as they…
  • Actuation Solutions for Constrained Spaces

    I recently had an article published in the August 2022 issue of Hydrocarbon Processing. It is titled “Why Compact Actuation Solutions are Ideal for Constrained Space Installations,” and it discusses how a vertical profile actuator is providing new opportunities for space-constrained applications. A summary of the article follows. Space constraints are common in the oil and gas industry. However floating production,…
  • Actuation Solutions for Constrained Spaces

    I recently had an article published in the August 2022 issue of Hydrocarbon Processing. It is titled “Why Compact Actuation Solutions are Ideal for Constrained Space Installations,” and it discusses how a vertical profile actuator is providing new opportunities for space-constrained applications. A summary of the article follows. Space constraints are common in the oil and gas industry. However floating production,…
  • Streamlining Proof Testing Procedures

    Click to enlarge Safety instrumented systems (SISs) require periodic proof testing of all of their safety instrumented functions (safety loops) which include the sensor, logic solver, and final element. An out-of-the-box proof testing solution from Emerson, ProofCheck , is available to provide all the aspects of proper SIS testing in a single solution, including field devices, wiring, signal conditioners, safety logic…
  • Streamlining Proof Testing Procedures

    Click to enlarge Safety instrumented systems (SISs) require periodic proof testing of all of their safety instrumented functions (safety loops) which include the sensor, logic solver, and final element. An out-of-the-box proof testing solution from Emerson, ProofCheck , is available to provide all the aspects of proper SIS testing in a single solution, including field devices, wiring, signal conditioners, safety logic…
  • Driving Safety Improvements Through Location Monitoring

    Location monitoring technology is part of some manufacturers’ and producers’ safety programs. In the event of a safety incident, this technology enables the safety management team to know which people are in the affected area and which are not. The Location Awareness system provides you with relevant-time, safety-focused monitoring of your most valued resource – your people. Enabled by WirelessHART Anchors and battery…
  • Driving Safety Improvements Through Location Monitoring

    Location monitoring technology is part of some manufacturers’ and producers’ safety programs. In the event of a safety incident, this technology enables the safety management team to know which people are in the affected area and which are not. The Location Awareness system provides you with relevant-time, safety-focused monitoring of your most valued resource – your people. Enabled by WirelessHART Anchors and battery…
  • Control Valves in Safety Instrumented Functions

    A reader of this blog came upon the post, When is a SIL Suitability Rating Required for Final Control Elements? The reader sent an email to the blog post author, Emerson’s Riyaz Ali , asking (of which I’ll paraphrase): When is it possible to use control valves like final elements for SIS [safety instrumented system] application? I am looking for other useful documents and technical requirements when it is possible to…
  • Control Valves in Safety Instrumented Functions

    A reader of this blog came upon the post, When is a SIL Suitability Rating Required for Final Control Elements? The reader sent an email to the blog post author, Emerson’s Riyaz Ali , asking (of which I’ll paraphrase): When is it possible to use control valves like final elements for SIS [safety instrumented system] application? I am looking for other useful documents and technical requirements when it is possible to…
  • The Benefits of Continuous Corrosion Monitoring Over Periodic Manual Inspection

    Whilst manual inspection remains a valuable tool for measuring the plant health, this blog post explains the benefits of continuous monitoring over periodic inspection.  Turning corrosion and erosion data to into true process insights Uncontrolled corrosion and material degradation undeniably leads to hefty safety, environmental, reliability, and operational consequences. Standards, developed by the American Petroleum…
  • The Benefits of Continuous Corrosion Monitoring Over Periodic Manual Inspection

    Whilst manual inspection remains a valuable tool for measuring the plant health, this blog post explains the benefits of continuous monitoring over periodic inspection.  Turning corrosion and erosion data to into true process insights Uncontrolled corrosion and material degradation undeniably leads to hefty safety, environmental, reliability, and operational consequences. Standards, developed by the American Petroleum…
  • Safety Loop Redundant Solenoids for Exercise and Testing

    Solenoid valves are often found in safety instrumented functions (SIFs) to release pneumatic pressure holding safety valves open or open depending on the application. Redundancy of these valves enables greater reliability and online proof testing. In a Process Industry Informer article, Redundant Solenoid Valve Architecture Improves Safety and Reliability , Emerson’s Mike Howells describes the importance of these valves…
  • Safety Loop Redundant Solenoids for Exercise and Testing

    Solenoid valves are often found in safety instrumented functions (SIFs) to release pneumatic pressure holding safety valves open or open depending on the application. Redundancy of these valves enables greater reliability and online proof testing. In a Process Industry Informer article, Redundant Solenoid Valve Architecture Improves Safety and Reliability , Emerson’s Mike Howells describes the importance of these valves…
  • Valve Reliability in Safety Instrumented Functions

    The three key components in a safety instrumented function (SIF)—sensor, logic solver and final element—each have their own probabilities of how they will perform, or not perform, when called upon to bring the process to a safe state. Of these three components, the final element is more like to fail on demand due to its role in touching the process and mechanically operating. In a Hydrocarbon Engineering article, Improving…
  • Valve Reliability in Safety Instrumented Functions

    The three key components in a safety instrumented function (SIF)—sensor, logic solver and final element—each have their own probabilities of how they will perform, or not perform, when called upon to bring the process to a safe state. Of these three components, the final element is more like to fail on demand due to its role in touching the process and mechanically operating. In a Hydrocarbon Engineering article, Improving…
  • How Industrial Facilities Are Prioritizing Safety with Advanced Location Technology

    Safety has always been a top priority for industrial facilities, but varying safety regulations, personnel training obstacles, and high implementation costs have presented challenges in creating more encompassing safety programs. From housing complex process equipment to hazardous materials, industrial facilities present unique challenges and more barriers to implementation, preventing these facilities from advancing…
  • How Industrial Facilities Are Prioritizing Safety with Advanced Location Technology

    Safety has always been a top priority for industrial facilities, but varying safety regulations, personnel training obstacles, and high implementation costs have presented challenges in creating more encompassing safety programs. From housing complex process equipment to hazardous materials, industrial facilities present unique challenges and more barriers to implementation, preventing these facilities from advancing…
  • Chemical Industry Solutions for Safety Performance Improvements

    We often highlight how advancements in technology enable digital transformation initiatives to drive improvements in production, reliability and sustainability. But what about safety? In an AIChE recorded webinar, Digital Innovations for Improving Safety in Chemical Plants , Emerson’s Michael Machuca and Marty McDonough highlight was to drive safety improvements for this important industry. Michael and Marty discussed…
  • Chemical Industry Solutions for Safety Performance Improvements

    We often highlight how advancements in technology enable digital transformation initiatives to drive improvements in production, reliability and sustainability. But what about safety? In an AIChE recorded webinar, Digital Innovations for Improving Safety in Chemical Plants , Emerson’s Michael Machuca and Marty McDonough highlight was to drive safety improvements for this important industry. Michael and Marty discussed…
  • Understanding API 2350 for Storage Tank Overfill Prevention

    Storage tanks are critical assets in the hydrocarbon supply chain and require great care in operating safely and reliably. In a Tank Storage article, Overfill Prevention , Emerson’s Richard Ireland shares updates about the API 2350 standard 5 th edition (published September 1, 2000) which addresses overfill prevention in these storage tanks. Rich opens describing the API 2350 standard . API 2350 is the standard (of…
  • Understanding API 2350 for Storage Tank Overfill Prevention

    Storage tanks are critical assets in the hydrocarbon supply chain and require great care in operating safely and reliably. In a Tank Storage article, Overfill Prevention , Emerson’s Richard Ireland shares updates about the API 2350 standard 5 th edition (published September 1, 2000) which addresses overfill prevention in these storage tanks. Rich opens describing the API 2350 standard . API 2350 is the standard (of…
  • Advanced Sensor Technology in Safety Instrumented Functions

    The safety instrumented function, or safety loop, is comprised of a sensor, logic solver and final element. Sensing the shutdown condition requires highly reliable sensors. In a Process Engineering article, Improve the reliability of safety instrumented systems with advanced measurement technologies , Emerson’s Julie Valentine and Meha Jha share how technology advancements combined with best practices helps drive process…
  • Advanced Sensor Technology in Safety Instrumented Functions

    The safety instrumented function, or safety loop, is comprised of a sensor, logic solver and final element. Sensing the shutdown condition requires highly reliable sensors. In a Process Engineering article, Improve the reliability of safety instrumented systems with advanced measurement technologies , Emerson’s Julie Valentine and Meha Jha share how technology advancements combined with best practices helps drive process…
  • When is a SIL Suitability Rating Required for Final Control Elements?

    Abstract Final Control Elements (Control valves or Safety Shut Down Valves) are the key components of any close loop control system, whether it is used for Basic Process Control Systems (BPCS) or for Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS). Financial constraints derive different constructions of valves suitable for throttling vs On-Off applications. However, due to past accidents, reliability has become a key criterion in…