I have been using a EIOC with the Ethernet IP Interface. Communicating with Allen Bradley PLC's, Toledo Scales and other equipment using Class 1 and Class 3 Messaging and UCMM with Logix Tags. I would like to know what is the difference between this protocol and the Control Tag Integration protocol? What advantages or disadvantages does Tag Integration do for me? I have tried to research this topic and have not found a lot of information. I am not that familiar with Allen Bradley and tags. I am running V14 so I can use Tag Integration if I want to. I am adding another EIOC and I am interested in knowing the exact differences so I can order the other EIOC. I have read where the Control Tag can read string data. That is a nice plus that I might be able to use to send text back and forth to an HMI. Also I have read that Control Tag allows the EIOC LDT (Logic Device) to map signals to the PLC's UDT(User Defined data type). I do not understand how this works or what advantage it is to me. I have not been able to find and manuals or detailed description on Guardian. There has to be a really straight forward reason to have this extra protocol or Emerson would have not created it. Any information would be appreciated.