Do You Over-Apologize?

Earlier this week, I came across an article on the topic of women apologizing too much, especially at work:


A study was conducted to understand why women over-apologize, and the results found women exceed men by double digits when it comes to apologies related to empathy (sensitivity to feelings) — and 78% of women apologize to be polite or because they’re concerned about others’ feelings. The study concluded that over-apologizing takes power away from women in the workplace.


I’d love to start a discussion around this. The article gave some good tips, such as saying “Excuse me” instead of “I’m sorry.” And it points out, “Being polite and being assertive don't have to be mutually exclusive." Do you say sorry to much? #sorrynotsorry

2 Replies

  • Interesting article! Those stats do not surprise me at all, as I am a frequent offender of apologizing unnecessarily. I have actually become aware of this in recent years when I realized that I was even saying sorry when other people were at fault, such as someone bumping into me on the subway. I think it is a natural reaction for many of us to come across as polite and courteous, but something to be conscious of in order to change this habit moving forward. I think using “excuse me” is definitely a good place to start! Here is an article with some more suggestions:
  • Interesting. I just got dinged on this in my recent review of areas to work on and wasn't even aware of how often I do it. Trying a new approach: 1) Be aware and 2) Be sincere (mean it if I say it, don't say it if I don't mean it).