Did you know 87% of participants in afterschool STEM programs enter a 4-year university? Here's an activity you can do at home...

Emerson STEM workshopSaturday, April 22nd @400 girls in 4th & 5th grade took part in GirlStart's annual STEM day. Our WomenInSTEM group had a blast teaching them about math, chemical reactions and most importantly, How to Make their Own Bouncy Ball!

Did you know, 87% of STEM afterschool participants enter a 4 year university and 80% of them pursue STEM majors and careers? Learn more about engineering and hold your own workshop at home with this handy guide: STEM Activity - How to Make a Bouncy Ball.pdf

Visit www.Emerson.com/ILoveSTEM for more STEM ideas & activities
and share your favorite activities with others in this forum post...

Best Regards,

Rachelle McWright: Business Development Manager, Dynamic Simulation: U.S. Gulf Coast