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3051 Total Performance Calculation

Hi there,

In the Rosemount 3051 Product Data Sheet 00813-0100-4001, Rev WE April 2023, on page 76 there is a statement on the Total Performace of the transmitter.

As the 3051 has different reference accuarcies for different ranges and so on, how is the +/-0.14% value calculation arrive at?

Many thanks


1 Reply

  • Gerard,
    The 3051C Ranges 2-5 all carry the same reference accuracy specification for the cited 1:1 to 5:1 rangedown limit which is ± 0.04% of calibrated span.
    We then use a root sum of squares approach to combine reference accuracy, static pressure effects, and ambient temperature effects.
    Please feel free to reach out to me with any more questions you have at brad.burton@emerson.com.

    Brad Burton