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P/N clarification for PCA MAIN CPU for 700XA GC

Dear Sir,

Pls. confirm the part number interchangeability of PCA MAIN CPU for 700XA GC: "2-3-0710-007" vs. "7A00555G02".

Best regards,

Otabek N. Fayzullaev

1 Reply

  • Dear Otabek,
    Please note that the part is interchangeable.
    Replaced by 7A00055G02 - XA CPU Board
    Best regards,
    Nishant Thankappan | BDM – Analyzer Solutions & Detection
    Emerson Automation Solutions  | PO Box 17033 |  Dubai  | United Arab Emirates
    T +971 4 811 8363  |  F +971 4 886 5465  |  M +971 529123807  |  Nishant.Thankappan@Emerson.com