Events View


I have a problem with Events view. No events or alarms are showing in history view window. What could be the possible reasons? Help me to figure out.

12 Replies

  • Try VIEW on the menu and make sure ADVANCED is selected.
  • In reply to Mark Millar:

    Yes it is selected to advanced.

  • In reply to ATK:

    Advanced tab is not involved for this
    Can you give us a printscreen of the history view to see the bottom right of the screen
    Yuo should see if Event is connected to an active chronicle = > Probably no in your case
    Go to File Menu then Set default server , then event chronicle then select the right event data server where ejournal is enabled and works
  • In addition to Laurent's suggestion, make sure you are logged in properly. I believe view only sessions don't display A&E.
  • In reply to LaurentB:

    I think there is no problem with the login. If you kindly explain about the login it will cleared the doubt if any.

  • In reply to ATK:

    For login, the question is , are you sure you are are logged in the deltav Log on with a deltav user account ? But Iagree , i think this is not you're issue.

    It seems you are well connected to  an active dataset of ejournal

    Are you sure that the areas  where the module are located are assigned to Alarms and Events of the station ?

    Does your issue occurs on all module , all stations ?

  • In reply to LaurentB:

    It also sounds to me that the alarms and events are not assigned to your workstation (or remote session) and downloaded. You can easily check if the alarms are assigned by opening the Areafilter display from the operate toolbar.
    In addition what type of user account are you using, what is the base privilege?
  • In reply to LaurentB:

    I've logged in by deltav administrator, All the Areas are assigned.

    Yes this issue occurs for all module, all stations.
  • In reply to ATK:

    From history view, if you create directly  new event chart ( File/New/Event) do you get event ?

  • In reply to LaurentB:

    No, I've tried this also, but result is same.
  • In reply to ATK:

    did you also try by changinf event data source ?
    Did you have a look into deltav Diagnsotic on section Alarms and Events of each station if you have some parameter with bad value ?
    Like CStop, or Server Availability , disk space....
  • In reply to LaurentB:

    I've 5 stations with the licence of event chronicle, but active dataset is showing against that particular station only. When I'm changing event data source, historical data are not showing. In the diagnostic section I found ECStopped.

    How to enable it and how can I change the active dataset server.