Symmetricom NTS-2000

We have 02 Symmetricom NTS-200 servers installed around 2006 on our Emerson DeltaV v7.4.2 DCS system. Recently both NTS-200 servers reset on it’s own; the Front LED on each NTP Server is blinking and on each LCD display we read the following message: (Both NTP servers defaulted to display the same: Current Time and Old Date)

Date & Time: Sat July 01 2000 G

UTC: is Displaying Current Time

Any help will be appreciated.

 We are upgrading our DeltaV to v13.3.1 and we didn’t include the NTP server in the purchase list. What is the supported NTP server for that?



  • Alfacesar2025,

    These devices were retired by the manufacturer more than a decade ago, moreover there was a week rollover impacting these devices which took place at the end of 2019 and we documented these events in KBAs and security notifications a while ago. These devices need to be replaced as they won't provide accurate time anymore, nor these devices have upgrade paths anymore (EoL has been reached and announced by the manufacturer).

    We have KBAs available describing up-to-date products you can use for time sync and you will find that currently the Microchip SyncServer S650 and Orolia SecureSync 1200 have been tested with DeltaV systems.

    Take a look at this white paper as starting point for your research:
  • In reply to Alexandre Peixoto:

    Many Thanks M. Alexandre. Appreciate your help. I'll look for the KPA for that.