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EIOC Vs VIM 2 to communicate with a CompactLogix 1769-L16ER-BB1B

Hi all,

we are getting a stand-alone piece of equipment installed on site which has a CompactLogix 1769-L16ER-BB1B PLC controlling it. We would like to replicate some of the indication and values from the PLC (display only no control) onto our DeltaV system and we are unsure which item to use.

Do we use a VIM2 which seems to be what most searches have turned on the internet or can we use the EIOC?

We have a DeltaV Ver 13 system with a mixture of M-series and S-series controllers on the network (this project will be using an M-Series controller if required).

Any guidance as to which way to go would be appreciated?

8 Replies

  • The CompactLogix uses the EtherNet/IP protocol so you can either use the VIM2 or the EIOC. You will need to know the IP address and tag names in the CompactLogix. Just enter that info in the EtherNet/IP configuration. I haven't specifically tried a CompactLogix, but it should work the same as a ControlLogix
  • For the money and ease I find the red lion products (talks native PLC tags) an easier way to get information out of a device and into DeltaV via a serial card. There is also a ton more capability built in the red lion then a VIM2 or EIOC.

  • In reply to pmhamilton:

    Thank you pmhamilton,

    Can I ask, I have been told that for us to use Ethernet/IP Control tag Integration the version of Delta V needs to be V14 onwards ours is V13.3, have you had an experience using the standard EtherNet/IP Interface?

    I have had experience with SLC's and serial interfaces but this is a new concept to me.
  • In reply to GaryL:

    There are two ways to communicate to Allen-Bradley controller.
    1. SLC/PLC DataTable
    2. Logix5000 tag name

    Older systems only know how to communicate via SLC/PLC DataTable addressing e.g. N7:0. Inside the Logix processor, you can emulate the SLC/PLC DataTables via the mapping tool. The Controller-Scoped tags can be placed in the mapping table. You can create a tag... typically an array... and map it to a SLC/PLC DataTable. e.g. MyINT[0] = N7:0 where MyINT might be an array of ten elements INT[10]. Once the data table mapping is completed, then the Logix controller will emulate the SLC/PLC DataTable so you can use the EtherNet/IP SLC/PLC driver.

    I don't know what tags you want to read, but you could make the Controller-Scoped Array e.g. MyINT[10]... copy all of the individual tags into the array elements, and read the whole array with one read command e.g. Starting at N7:0 and LEN=10.
  • Another difference to consider is that on the VIMS, you'll be conducting the commissioning, uploading and flash upgrading in VIMNET Explorer, a stand alone software, in a file called a ".vio" file. It will be another software and file to keep up with and should be added to a backup and recovery program. In the EIOC, commissioning and other activities are done using the Delta-V explorer and the configuration will be in a .fhx file.
  • In reply to Ralph Ferrer:

    If you are on v 13, you will likely find it more cost effective to use the VIM2 due to the EIOC license on v13 being for the maximum number of devices vs in v14 where you can license the number of devices you need. The VIM2 is also more flexible in the ways a CompactLogix can talk with it. Mynah has several good whitepapers for the various methods.

    I don't remember if the LogixTags was made available for v13. but you really need to read the design guide on the Guardian website for using them with the EIOC or PK controller as there are many design considerations involved to get a decent scan rate with more than a handful of tags. you may find you need to do more PLC code changes to get the throughput needed with the EIOC and LogixTags vs using the VIM2.
  • In reply to GaryL:

    The EIOC introduced the Control Tag Integration in V14. In v13, the EIOC supports the Ethernet IP with UCMM with Logix Tags. This relies on Array Tags created in the PLC to host the data being exchanged.

    If the PLC has been delivered with data maps in Array Tags for integration purposes, you would use these, creating a Logical Device Tag (LDT) in the EIOC to read up to 100 signals from an Array Tag of one data type. Note the read starts at the first address/register and is limited to 100 values.

    The PLC requires logic to move data to and from these arrays. The EIOC reads the values and writes to these arrays. If the PLC logic does not have this interchange of data and associated array tags, this will have to be added. It very much resembles the Class 2 PCCC data structures with N files and F files, which remain an option if the PLC does not support ethernetIP.

    Control Tag Integration allows the EIOC LDT to map signals directly to the PLC UDT registers via the exported Logix Tag. (WIth UCMM, you use logix Tags of the Array tags, but you have to enter the tags manually)

    It eliminates all the data mapping to arrays and the associated validation/testing by allowing browsed tags and direct references. But you cannot use it in v13.

    The VIM2 can be added to an existing controller or a new controller. The EIOC combines this so it provides a more robust solution and supports redundancy of the Processor. The EIOC is natively configured while the VIM2 is an external application called VIMNet Explorer.

    The VIM emulates the DeltaV serial card, which is a modbus protocol. So rather than map to named signals, data is mapped to Datasets of 100 registers.

    I would go with the EIOC vs the VIM2 if the data is being integrated to the HMI for Operators primarily, i.e. a SCADA type application for a subsystem like a PLC. If there is a need for some tightly integrated automation with DeltaV control functions, i.e. a VFD or Motor relay, I would use the VIM in v13. In v14 would be using a PK controller with native integration to the controller.

    Either way, you have to get mapping of data into arrays and map it into LDT's or Datasets.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Brian Hrankowsky:

    The original v13 licensing has been superseded with the v14 licensing. The price for the EIOC is now based on v14 licensing. In v13, the license for each device is not used, but will be required when you go to v14.

    I would agree that the VIM2 /VIMNet Explorer has additional capabilities for Compact Logix, including support for the B files. EIOC only supports the N and F Files. If the PLC is configured with Control LogixTags and UDT's or has Array Tags built for integration, Ethernet UCMM is an option.

    The EIOC Protocols are natively supported in v14 on the PK controllers as well.

    If you are comfortable with the VIM2 and VIMNet Explorer, it is a solid solution. The data is a bit more abstracted. Mynah, which is now Emerson, have some good documentation.

    Andre Dicaire