DeltaV EIOC UA Controller connection to Ignition OPC UA Server

I am having issues establishing a connection from a DeltaV EIOC UA controller to an Ignition OPC UA server. I have imported the client and server certificates on the respective devices, configured an IP address for the EIOC Card Network connection, Configured the Endpoint URL: opc.tcp://, Anonymous Login, Security Sign;Basic256Sha256 which matches what I have configured on the Ignition Server. Diagnostics has an option to "Test the Endpoint Connection" which returns an error: "Unable to Connect with OPC UA Server!". I have contacted DeltaV support and have been elevated to Product Engineering this morning but still waiting on a response thought I would try here as well while I'm waiting. For troubleshooting I setup a 3rd party client on my ICS laptop and connected it to the same switch as the EIOC connection to the OPC server and was able to establish a connection to the OPC UA server and I was able to ping the network address of the EIOC network port so there doesn't appear to be a firewall or networking issue. 

3 Replies

  • Apparently we are moving on unfamiliar territory for Guardian support, 5 days after support was contacted and 4 days after being elevated to a Product Engineer still no answers.
  • In reply to John Stephens:

    The endpoint URL looks unusual. Does it really have /discovery?
  • In reply to Lun.Raznik:

    Yes it can but we don't need the discovery function. Finally made contact with a Product Engineer and discovered that the EIOC module assumes the network gateway is always at our network gateway is at so the EIOC won't work currently with our network configuration. There is no way to change this behavior permanently as of DeltaV 14.3.1 so I we are attempting to work with our IT team to see if they can change the gateway on this network to accommodate the EIOC's limitations.