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Bulk Edit Friendly Names on Existing Dynamos


I was looking for a tool  or suggestions for bulk editing the friendly name in existing dynamo properties. 

Any help would be appreciated.  


Bryan Hebert

2 Replies

  • Bryan, I will say that is a good question.

    I do wish the friendly name had the option of being a parameter in the CM. Bulk Edit and changes would be easier and less likely to have copy / paste errors displayed on the graphic.
  • In reply to Michael Moody:

    Friendly name may not be unique to database module instance. one screen may use friendly name 'VLV-01' for a particular valve tag and other screen may use friendly name 'Supply Valve' for same valve tag with another dynamo object. friendly name preference of two operators using two different screens may be different.

    Changing friendly name in bulk without opening dynamo form is possible with custom utility. what we have to do is to replace currentvalue (and initialvalue) property of string variable in dynamo with new friendly name string.