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Migration from 12.3 to 14 delayed until 2021- what support do we get?

Hello all,

Hope you are well during this uncertain times.

I work on a site supporting four systems on chemical pilot plants. These are on Windows 7, version 12.3 & 12.3.1 and we are upgrading to version 14 with windows 10 machines. Our migration was originally meant to take place over the summer & then was delayed until around September time. Now Operations are asking about doing all four systems migration in Q1 2021. As we have non-redundant M-series controllers we have to shutdown each pilot plant for the upgrade. 

Our cyber security guys will have to carry out whitelisting and other mitigation if we continue with windows 7 machines on our PCN post 2020. I was just wondering how this effects Emerson Support (hotfixes etc.)?

Many thanks,


2 Replies

  • Hi William,

    It sounds like you are aware that Microsoft has ended standard support Windows 7 / Server 2008. The short answer for DeltaV v12.3 and v12.3.1 is that you can call in for Tech Support, but since v12 is in the Retired lifecycle status, no new DeltaV hotfixes will be created.
    The Conventional Software Support (CSS) for DeltaV v12.3.1 ended May of 2019, after meeting Emerson’s 5-year software product support commitment. However, we extended a limited support for v12.3.1 from May 2019 to December 31, 2019, to provide additional flexibility for upgrades. As stated, now that v12.3.1 is retired, Emerson will continue to provide technical support if it's needed; however, no new hotfixes will be created.

    Stay safe,

    Kim Conner
    PSS Lifecycle Services, Warranty and Support
  • In reply to KimConner:


    I think Kim's comments should help with concerns around DeltaV support. Fortunately, v12 has been out a while and hopefully most critical needs for hotfixes have been addressed.

    Regarding whitelisting, I would recommend your "cyber security guys" work with Emerson on that solution. You want to avoid creating issues to prevent issues.

    On the non-redundant controllers, maybe this is a good time to add redundancy. Also, note that MD controllers are not supported in v14. You will also want to make sure there are enough free cpu resources for v14 with any MD+ or higher level controllers. We had a plant doing the upgrade and had to replace a few contrllers with larger models (MD+ to MX) to handle the additional cpu loading requirements.