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Direct connection between DCS and PLC via PK controller

Please, I would like to ask if we can eliminate OPC servers in both sides (PLC side & DCS Side). Currently, we have not trust networks between ACN & PCN. we are using OPC method to establish the communication between DCS & PLC. my question here is can we use PK controller instated of OPC. can we browse the data from PLC (Siemens) by using IP address. on other word PK controller has got two connections one with PCN and the other one with ACN. then PK controller fetch the data from Siemens PLC and then write it to ACN and versa vise. can this be done or no?

your quick response is highly appreciated. 

2 Replies

  • Assuming you have considered and addressed cybersecurity, the PK Modbus TCP master driver could pull and push data, landing in modules hosted by controller.

    the Modbus Server port can serve data to a 3rd party Host. similarly the OPC UA server can do so as well with higher security, including encryption.

    The EIOC has an OPC UA client. if you wrap the Seimens OPD DA Server with OPC UA. that would give you a secure and browsable solution.

    Technically feasible but lots of things to consider.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    Thank you vey much for your quick response. I think EIOC solusion is not suitable solution because our deltaV Rev. is 13.3.0 and what I know EIOC OPC UA is only compatable with DeltaV Rev. 14.03 or higher. we not recomend to use Modbus TCP master device because there are alot of changes has to be done in PLC side. Our question was can we use PK controller as client and it will communicate with Siemens PLC and then we can make the conection bwtween two databases.

    Ebrahim Yusuf Abushanab