Dear Experts,
We are planning to upgrade our DeltaV system version from 12.3.1 to 13.3.1 or 14.3, I will discuss that with our Emerson Impact partner but I am here collecting more experts thoughts
Currently we have Windows7 SP1 (32 bit) with DeltaV 12.3, I am very familiar with 13.3 version but never worked with the new Deltav 14.3, therefore I have the following questions:
- Do you recommend me to update the system to 13.3 or 14.3 ??
- Since the DeltaV graphic is changed now completely in 14, Upgrading the system from 12.3 to 14.3 will create any graphics issues by any means ?? or its fairly safe to do that ??
- Does DeltaV 14.3 supports any old hardware equipment that's already commissioned in our DeltaV 12.3 (M-serious controllers, network switches, VIM1 ......etc.) ??
- Is DeltaV 14.3 now reliable or not yet ? since any newer version will come with some bugs and issues especially with this one since it has a lot of new features ??
FYI we will do this upgrade in the mid of next year
Thank you
In reply to Bruno DB:
Andre Dicaire
In reply to Andre Dicaire:
In reply to John Rezabek:
The x.x.1 releases are the complete build with the SP already applied while the SP1 release is the actual Service Pack installation for those who have already installed the x.x release and don't want to uninstall and re-install the software. So in the end they are technically the same in DeltaV but getting there is completely different.
I don't see the SP1 for 14 but I do see the 13.3.1 (typo?)
The 14.3.1 release will be released before the SP1 and I think 14.3.1 will be available on guardian in the near future.
In reply to Matt Stoner: