Profibus PA communication between DeltaV and Samson Valve Positioner 3730-4


We are using a Profibus DP card. Since this is a Profibus PA instrument, we are using a DP/PA coupler (Pepperl+Fuchs KFD2-BR-1PA.1500) to connect to it. And we have many types of instrument connected to it amongst them is Samson Valve Postioner 3730-4.

We have established communication with Device, but thing of concern is we cannot send Setpoint to it, whereas we can read its Readback value.

Need your help in this regard.

1 Reply

  • Hello and Good Evening Anish!

    This is a bit of a shot in the dark, but would it be possible for you to share the Profibus DP Port settings that you used that allowed you to communicate with the devices connected to the Pepperl+Fuchs KFD2-BR-1PA.1500 mentioned in your above post? It would be very much appreciated!

    Thanks, Will