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PK Controllers differences

Dear All,

Need some enlightening. The PK controllers comes with different DST sizing and batch unit sizing. Does this mean the processing power and memory size of the PK controllers are different? In the technical specification it doesn't break down the specification between the different PK Controllers. The bottom line question would be, does it make a difference to have 4 x PK100 vs 1 x PK750 if these controllers are dedicated for batch application only (without any I/O attached)

3 Replies

  • The CPU and memory is the same on all the PKs and as far as splitting out or single controller decision this would be a risk management/upgrade/engineered solution decision that you should already be doing with the previous controllers. I don't see a difference in this decision process because of the PK, it's just a bigger controller with some new features like faster execution that you still have to pick the proper DST and Unit support. Just keep in mind that if you go the multiple controller route you will have to think about and handle any cross controller communications with the design/configuration.
  • In reply to Matt Stoner:

    Thanks Matt! .. Could you think of any advantage other than availability to have it 4 x PK100 instead of 1 x PK750? Assumption that this is greenfield installation for batch and there will be multiple instances of recipes running (more specifically this is used for Terminal Automation Solution)
  • For the DSTs, is it a hard stop at 100? Like if you have 105 DSTs, are you relegated to use the PK300?
    Also, do Ethernet or Modbus devices connected to the PK count against the DST limit?