I currently have Pi server and DeltaV communicating with each other via OPC-DA.
I can add DCS tags in Pi database and everything works fine. Right now Pi and DCS communication is setup such that data from DCS is sent to Pi for display on Pi application.
Now, I need send data from Pi Server to the DCS to show certain Pi data on the DCS graphic.
Do you know how I can set this up please?
Hi there,
A lot of detials need to be explored for this reqeust. I shall touch some just on the surface.
If you need to just display the realtime values, i.e. you do not need to see the historical values or trends, then you may consider using OPC. Either OPC Mirror or OPC UA can connet to a Pi Server that functions as OPC DA or UA Server, and get values from that Pi server. For this architecture, you will need an additional Application Station node with needed licenses, and you will also need the proper OPC Server functionalities on the Pi side. Once the data are landed in DeltaV, you may choose to historize the data using the 250 tags complimentary historian inside of every DeltaV workstation or a dedicated DeltaV Continuous Historian (DVCH) node. But please notice that the time stamps of historical values done this way are assigned by DeltaV, so are not the orginal time stamps on when those values were actually generated. If you need to display historical values or trends, DeltaV has a semi-programatic way to write external data into DVCH. You may look for "OPC write interface to the DeltaV Continuous Historian" in Books Online for more details. This method reqeusts some coding work using C++. A sample client is provided to facilitate the coding work. Another unofficial, theoretical way for displaying historical values in Pi is to use DeltaV clients, e.g. DeltaV Live Chart, DeltaV Operate Embedded Trend Chart, or Process History View, to directly connec to the Pi server. This way, you will need to setup the trust between DeltaV and Pi domains, and then create proper user mapping between DetlaV and Pi users. After the security is done, you may try typing in the exact data path/structure, e.g. ServerName.ModuleName.PerimeterName.Value, to query the values. You may look for "Configure security options for OSIsoft PI Server" in Books Online for more details. Again, this is an untested and theoretical way, but it does not need you to purchase additional things. Try with caution.
Neil Wang
Andre Dicaire
In reply to Neil Wang:
In reply to Andre Dicaire:
This is what we do. Check the manual - I think location 3 is the key setting. On the first tab, set the source tag to the PI point . . .
Andre Dicaire said: They do need a Module in which to place the incoming data from PI in order to display it on the Operator station.
Thank you Andre Dicaire,
This is exactly what I need.
In reply to John Rezabek:
John Rezabek said:
Thank you so much John,
I can see this display in my Pi Management software.
Can you please explain a bit more. What is OPC_VALERO mean? Where are you grabbing the data from AI22808.CV on your DeltaV?
In reply to DCS Newbie:
Like Andre said - OPC_VALERO is just a module we created in DeltaV to receive the "incoming" PI data. The parameter AI82808.CV is a parameter in the module - like a user-defined (internal read only) parameter under "special items". For the most part we are using "real" number parameters but we have a few string variables to receive "time and date" for example.
You can put them all (one parameter per PI data point) in the same module and then just display them with a datalink. If you want to display on a faceplate you would need to create an individual module for each PI point you are sending back to DeltaV.