Using an ABB EDP300 SMART positioner with DeltaV

Hi, we are using deltav 11.3.1 with PCSD modules for PID control. The AO function block is connected to a HART enabled channel connected to an ABB EDP300 smart positioner. The module AO/XD_SCALE was set at 0-100 no units but since connecting with the EDP300, is being over-written online with 4-20 mA. Im unable to change the units and scale upper and lower values in the EDP300 to 0-100. As a result, the vertical bar on the PCSD Loop faceplate that represents output goes full scale when the output exceeds 20, therefore no visualisation of 20-100 output range.

Has anyone successfully integrated an ABB EDP300 smart positioner with a DeltaV PCSD module?

18 Replies

  • Hi

    As you are not able to change the units and upper and lower values in EDP 300 to 0 to 100.

    You can put all the same units and upper and lower values in pid block .
    you can check for Ltype option : direct or indirect or square root . for scaling option

    As all the positioner are almost same .
    as their is no visualisation of output 20 to 100 output range
    in the faceplate output must vary from 0 to 20
    if it varying from 0 to 20 then their must be cutoff values in the PID block that are sets to 20
    can you check for that values and change to 100 %.

    hope this will be usefull


  • Had a similar problem with a HART positioner a few years ago. Think it was Samson. Will dig for info
  • What field is the being used on IO_OUT? FIELD_VAL_PCT, HART_FIELD_VAL, etc?

    I assume HART_FIELD_VAL which with the XD_SCALE configuration means it is reading the calibration from the instrument.

    Change to use FIELD_VAL_PCT and set XD_SCALE and OUT_SCALE to 0-100 % and it should work as you expect.
  • I don't think L_type option can be used as it is the AO block we are talking about, also in IO_OUT for an AO block, you do not have the option of using any other parameter field except OUT. Just try putting in % in the XD scale units instead of "no units" in offline mode and download and see if that works by checking in online mode if the XD scale is still changing to 4-20 or not, At times "No units does not work" along with HART positioners. if it still shows 4-20 mA, Try changing the XD scale in online mode to 0 to 100, you can do that by taking the AO block in Manual mode (You can change the XD scale of AO block in manual mode as in CAS mode of AO block it doesn't allow that-enable manual mode for AO block if not enabled in offline and download before changing the AO XD scale in online mode), Put the AO block back in CAS Mode, If none of this work, change the AO channel type from HART channel to non HART so that you get the value in 0 to 100% and ask ABB on how to change the HART Output in the positioner from 4 to 20 to 0 to 100%. If you have the DD files uploaded, you should be able to do that through AMS itself.

  • Thanks all, I’ll check a few things when back at work and let you know how I get on.

  • Hi all,

    Changed AO/XD_SCALE to % instead of ‘no units’ and downloaded. Got Red cross on Output. DeltaV Diagnostics say ‘Device units cannot be changed’ – command not supported. XD_SCALE was reading 0-100% online.
    Changed AO/XD_SCALE back to ‘no units’, status went to GOOD, XD_SCALE reading 4-20mA online.

    IO_OUT only has the option of /OUT.

    For information: I have IO_READBACK setup which is reading a standard 4-20mA back from the positioner into a standard analogue input channel (Not HART). This value changes as expected in line with the actual field device position. /FIELD_VAL_PCT.

    So PID in MAN with 12.5% output, AO/OUT reads 6mA, BKCAL_OUT reads 12.5, PV reads 51. Its the PV value which drives the output bar on the faceplate so faceplate output value is 12.5%, bar is 51%

    For the time being, ive set the AO channel to none HART which visualises the faceplate how i want. Not sure where to go from here since the unit in the positioner cannot be changed.
  • In reply to Stuart Jolley:

    What is the PV_SCALE configured as?

    PV_SCALE should be 0-100 %
    XD_SCALE should be 4-20 mA based on your post

    Any graphics should be using PV of the AO block and not the OUT parameter. The OUT is the value going to the field and in certain configurations will indicate the wrong value to operator, for instance if you have increase to a close option turned on. If you don't have the IO_READBACK configured for Actual Valve Position the PV will just indicate the Implied Valve Position.

    This also means that the operator should be entering the SP in AUTO mode if wanting to allow control of the output "manually" at AO because if entering the OUT he/she would need to know to invert the signal if increase to close valve (i.e. Enter 25 to have fail open valve be 75% open) which you probably don't want them to have to remember and just always enter the number they want the valve % open to be at.
  • In reply to Matt Stoner:

    Hi Matt,

    AO1/PV_SCALE is 0-100%; AO1/XD_SCALE is also 0-100% in config, but being overridden to 4-20mA online by HART.

    the PCSD_Loop_52 faceplate is using AO1/PV to fill the vertical output bar.
  • In reply to Stuart Jolley:

    You indicated you see 51% somewhere, where is that?

    With 0-100 no units on XD_SCALE, this will read the calibration range of instrument and because the unit wasn't supported it still is reading from device.
  • In reply to Matt Stoner:

    the AO1/PV is at 51 when AO1/CAS_IN is 12.5 (12.5% output from PID), AO1/XD_SCALE is 4-20mA and AO1/PV_SCALE is 0-100.
  • In reply to Stuart Jolley:

    We may have two issues going on here! You said that "I have IO_READBACK setup which is reading a standard 4-20mA back from the positioner into a standard analogue input channel (Not HART). This value changes as expected in line with the actual field device position. /FIELD_VAL_PCT." Did you configure the IO_READBACK using the DST for this analog in and FIELD_VAL_PCT"?.

    Matt Stoner - Does the Readback on the AO block work ok if you have a Smart positioner with an AO HART Enabled but you are getting the position Readback from a separate AI instead of the Hart variable readback from the positioner?
  • In reply to James Beall:

    Not sure James, I only remembering seeing the configuration using Hart value.
  • Yes, IO_readback is connected to DST/field_val_pct

  • In reply to Stuart Jolley:

    We are going to have to do some more checking on this. It seems like the AO block must apply the XD scale to both the OUT and the Readback. I need to confirm this with DeltaV Tech Support. In the mean time, could you check with ABB and see if there is an option to set the HART for the target (SP) to the positioner to be 0-100% instead of 4-20 mA. I recall that our Emerson, Fisher DVC's had such and option. Let me know what you find out on this.
    I'll get back to you as soon as I can get more info.
  • In reply to James Beall:

    I'm still waiting for a response from ABB tech support.