Configuring remote external NTP time synchronization on DeltaV System

Background -

I am on DeltaV v12.3.1, researching the configuration for NTP external time synchronization.

Previous thread indicates there is much I need to know:

System Info:

  1. Physical Network => Properties => System Time is configured with Master Time Server = History (APP) and Backup Time Server = ProPlus.
  2. Proplus and History each have a 3rd NIC on the 2.5 Network Layer, which has a Firewall that has a NTP External Time Synchronization (NTP server is site router, stratum = 5).


  • What IP addresses specifically go into each (History and PP) under Remote Network => Properties => Advanced – Master Time Server and Backup Time Server?
  • Am I correct that the IP address “Master Time Server” for BOTH History and the ProPlus is the External NTP timeserver IP address, and I would leave the backup field blank (because I do not have a second NTP source)? 
  • Where specifically in Books Online is the procedure for configuring NTP remote time synchronization?  I cannot find it, at least not by searching for NTP or for System Time..

Help is appreciated, KBA NA-0200-0147 is not exactly clear to me on this detail.  

  • The IP addresses that should go to the remote network settings are the ones from the time source, which in your case would be the GPS time server (just keep in mind that if the time servers are routed in a different network level/area, you might need to configure routing and firewall settings accordingly). The recommends (I'd even say that this is more of a requirement for security reasons) that systems should have multiple sources of time, and we can deal with two sources in DeltaV through the remote network - in your case, and as you already mentioned, the backup field will be left blank.

    In BoL, the details around time synchronization are related to when the time servers are connected to the DeltaV Area Control Network to enable sequence of events within DeltaV. Sections: "System Time" and "Setting Up a Network Time Server" are good examples and available in v12.3.1 BoL.

    There are two additional KBAs that are more specific in these areas that might be able to address your questions: KBAs # NK-1600-0234 and NK-1600-0238. They are specific about GPS Time Servers we test and support from an integration point of view, but will serve as a reference for the topics you are alluding to here.
  • Thanks very much Alexandre
    NTP synchronization is up now and running.