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Can not finish work station configuration


I can't finish work station configuration,

the process stop at creating user accounts and "a problem occurred with DVPTMserver. To correct this please execute DVPTMserver.exe/regserver from the command prompt and re-run work station configuration " I execute this command and open it from delta V bin folder and nothing happened the problem is the same. Could you please help me to figure it out 

2 Replies

  • Hello Mohammad,

    Is this a newly DeltaV installed Workstation or and existing one? What type of DeltaV Workstation is this? What's the reason to run the Workstation Configuration?

  • In reply to Tadeu Batista:

    Thanks for replying I solved this issue I was logging on on another user rather than deltav admin, but after finishing the configuration I can't run deltav Explorer suddenly a exclamation mark appears and only let me to press ok after that the Explorer exist, do you know what is behind this problem?
    Kindly to note that I am trying to install DeltaV on my pc, I currently change my job and I was introduced to DeltaV System and I have to use it on my own PC