Error downloading control module


When trying download a control module to use value raw value in the logic, I get the message "PCS-110-520: 1:ERROR: No download in progress, probably due to some previous error."

I replaced the failed control module by a copy of good one, used for similar instrument, still getting error message when downloading. can you assist on this issue, thanks

1 Reply

  • Are you able to download other modules? Or us message seen on all modules?

    Here are some suggestions, but I don't have solution for this specific message. Let us know what you find...

    First make sure your backs are good. Do an export is the database to be sure.

    Check the database Utilities and confirm database connections make sense for expected usage. (No old controls studio or explorer sessions)

    If not done recently consider doing a database clean. Make sure everyone has saved and closed their connections to the DB.

    Andre Dicaire