Invalid Characters in DeltaV Bulk Edit

I am looking at data bulk edit as part of a feed study.

Is there a full list of characters that cause issues for bulk editing control modules:

- Control Module Name

- Control Module Field

- Other Text Fields

- Alarm Parameter Help Fields.

I understand there are issues with ‘&’ and ‘*’ in some fields with xml, but would like a comprehensive list.

  • A partial answer for you (for modules), as you are in feed I assume you are mainly interested in module level parameters, from Books OnLine //Configuration/Modules/Module - General Information/Module Naming Conventions:

    Module Naming Conventions

    When naming a module, you must follow these rules:

    • Names must be alphanumeric.
    • Names cannot exceed 16 characters.
    • Names must contain at least one alpha character.
    • Names cannot be any of the reserved DeltaV names (see Books on line for details)
    • Names should not match any of the function block names in the system. This includes default function block names, user-defined names and function block template names.
    • Names can contain $, -, or _.
    • Note The Continuous Historian cannot collect data on parameters for nodes or modules that begin with a dash (-), dollar sign ($), or an underscore followed by a dollar sign (_$).

    Module Description (and other text fields, This is from the top of my head): avoid any type of control parameter (new line is the most common problem character), avoid double quotes as the bulk edit process can interpret this as end of field.

    Alarm Help fields I have not had project experience with (till later in this project) so will leave that one alone.