EM Alias


Can we create aliases for EM's ?

We are following a class based structure for CM's,EM's and Phases,however we have gone through the EM testing(EM instances) with control modules without creating unit class and phases.

Now, for phase and unit configuration and follow class based structure need to assign these tested EMs.if i want to add the EM's class to the Unit, then i need to do the whole EM instance configuration and in dont want to change anything on tested items.Instead can we use Alias concept for EM's.Please correct me if i'm wrong.



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2 Replies

  • Yes EM's can use two different methods for aliasing:

    1. Can reference the Unit Aliases in the format just like a phase (#ALIASNAME#) but requires the EM to be located under a Unit with the appropriate aliases defined in DeltaV Explorer.
      1. This will require the Advanced Unit Management license.
    2. Can add module blocks (tied to a module class) in the EM class and then at the EM Instances you bind these module blocks to the modules they should reference.
      1. This method doesn't require a license but the "aliases" is alot more picky about what they can be set to.
      2. Only modules that have the exact same module level parameter configuration (not the value but the parameter name and the type [Float, Integer, Boolean, etc] of parameter are checked).
      3. If a module is missing a parameter or a parameter has a different parameter type from what the class the module block alias is linked to, you wouldn't be able to assign that particular module to the module block alias.
  • In reply to Matt Stoner:

    Thanks Matt,

    Will proceed with option 1 which will be easier for me and also having the Advanced Unit Management license.

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